Exploring Istanbul in Style: A Twizy Tour


If you’re looking for a unique way to explore Istanbul, a Twizy tour might be just what you need. A Twizy is a small, electric two-seater car that is perfect for navigating the narrow streets and alleys of the city. These tours provide a fun and eco-friendly way to explore Istanbul’s rich history and culture.

One of the best things about a Twizy tour is the ability to customize your route based on your interests. You can choose to visit popular tourist attractions like the Blue Mosque or the Grand Bazaar, or explore some of the city’s lesser-known neighborhoods and hidden gems. A knowledgeable local guide can help you design the perfect itinerary to suit your preferences.

One popular Twizy tour route is along the Bosphorus, the strait that separates the European and Asian sides of Istanbul. This scenic route offers breathtaking views of the city’s skyline and iconic landmarks, such as the Maiden’s Tower and the Dolmabahce Palace. You can also stop at one of the many seaside cafes and restaurants along the way to enjoy some Turkish tea or coffee.

Another popular Twizy tour route is through the trendy neighborhood of Kadikoy on the Asian side of the city. Here, you can explore local shops, restaurants, and cafes, and see some of Istanbul’s most beautiful street art. You can also visit the bustling Kadikoy Market, where you can sample a range of local foods and purchase unique souvenirs.

One of the best things about a Twizy tour is the opportunity to experience Istanbul like a local. You can explore neighborhoods and side streets that are often overlooked by tourists and gain a deeper understanding of the city’s history and culture. Plus, the Twizy’s compact size makes it easy to park and navigate through traffic, ensuring that you can see as much of the city as possible during your tour.

In conclusion, a Twizy tour is a unique and exciting way to explore Istanbul. Whether you want to visit popular tourist attractions or explore off-the-beaten-path neighborhoods, a Twizy tour provides a fun and eco-friendly way to experience the city’s rich history and culture. So, why not hop in a Twizy and see Istanbul in a whole new way?